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Insperity OrgPlus 11

Key Features of OrgPlus V11.3

Insperity® OrgPlus® empowers businesses to easily visualise their workforce and make more informed decisions using professional, board-room quality organisational charts and best-practice analytics. OrgPlus is the standard for automating the creation and publishing of org charts. It connects with your HR database to streamline chart creation and place valuable information in the hands of decision makers.

  • Pre-defined reports show just the information you need for business decisions, and update automatically as the chart changes
  • Tabular Reports enable you to group information by any field for a high level snapshot of organisational characteristics
  • Chart Comparison allows you to compare past and current charts and generate detailed reports
  • Summary Panel shows high-level stats for instant communication
  • Intuitive Microsoft Office based user interface puts all Insperity OrgPlus capabilities at your fingertips
  • View Templates are pre-built with fields and formulas to address HR challenges
  • Smart Fields highlight when data in any field meets user-defined conditions
  • Windows 7 & 8 certified compatibility ensures smooth integration
  • Updated training and tutorials make even the most advanced features easy to use
  • Change Summary Reports list details of all changes made to your chart
  • Track Changes with running list of all moves, adds, deletes and changes made to the chart
  • Side-by-side Comparison Reports list changes made to the chart, along with both old and new values


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